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Prepare the Earth

26% of blessings since 1950 included the promise of Prepare the Earth.

Many of us look forth unto the coming of the Son of Man, but shall be permitted to see the way prepared before his face.

Thou art one of the chosen spirits reserved to come forth in the last days to assist in the gathering of Israel from their long dispersion, to build up Zion and prepare a people for a reign of righteousness.

I pray that thou may become valiant in the cause of truth, in the spread of truth, in the establishment of truth in preparing for a righteous reign upon the earth.

Thou shalt do much good among the people in preparing them to go to the center stake of Zion.

It is your duty and your privilege to aid and assist in preparing the people for the coming of the Lord.

Means shall be provided for you to assist in carrying on the work of the Lord in preparing a people for the second coming of the Savior.

The church shall be cleansed and purified, and prepared to live the United Order, and you shall witness the power of God manifest in the earth. Thou shalt witness the elders go forth in God's power and the righteous shall be gathered from the four corners of the earth, and the people shall be prepared for the coming of the Lord.

The spirit of leadership shall be given your descendants and they shall stand in exalted places not only in the church of the first-born but in the legislative halls of this great country and through their influence laws shall be enacted that shall hasten the day when righteousness shall prevail that the son of God may come in His glory and power.

You have been permitted to come forth in the dispensation of the fullness of time and to participate in the closing scenes of this world's history before the ushering in of the millennium. The Lord has a work for you and you will be shown this work as you grow in years and in knowledge and understanding here in the earth.

You will have joy in helping to carry forth the work of salvation, to establish righteousness in the earth and do your part to prepare the way for the second coming of the Savior.

You will be called to assist in preparing the earth for the glorious second coming of the Savior and you will be given a part in the building up of His Zion.

Evidenced by the blessings that fill your life now and many that will yet come, you are to be one of the noble participants of your generation to prepare the events, to participate in the sacred plans, to bring to fruition the Millennium.

The Lord has need of us to prepare for the second coming.

We are living in glorious times when many of the prophecies of old are being fulfilled before our very eyes as the gospel is going forth to the peoples of the world in preparation for our Lord's great and glorious second coming.

I bless you that you will have knowledge and understanding of those blessings and promises for they will become opportunities for you to help in these last days in preparing the world for the second coming of the Savior.

You will have the opportunity because of callings given unto you of helping to prepare this great church and to prepare this earth for the return of our Savior.

You were privileged to come at this time because you had prepared spiritually for the work which will prepare the world for the coming of the Lord.

You will be a part of the movement that is taking place in preparation for the second coming of the Savior. You will be involved in the gathering of Israel and in the preparation for the building of the New Jerusalem here upon the earth.

Because of your faithfulness in the pre-existence, your time on earth was preset to be just before the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ in his second coming. Your Father in Heaven knew he needed his most faithful, valiant and true sons and daughters to be on the earth at that specific time to counteract the last great thrust of Lucifer before the second coming of the Master.

The same responsibilities given by Jacob to his grandson are placed upon your shoulders, which are to proclaim the Gospel, gather Israel for the final time, and prepare the way for the return of the Savior.

That you may assist in strengthening, building and extending this great work for it is the work that has been given unto mankind for its salvation, for the gathering of the House of Israel and all the faithful that shall come unto it.

I seal you up to be a part of the great events and the conditions as the Savior prepares and makes His return to the earth.

One of your responsibilities is to help build up the Kingdom of God here upon the earth in preparation for His coming.

Do the will and the work of your Father in Heaven that needs to be done in preparing the world for the coming of the Savior. You will perform a great work among the saints in preparing them for the coming of the Savior.

You will be involved in the gathering of Israel and in the preparation for the building of the New Jerusalem here upon the earth.

You live at a time when the earth is being prepared for the second coming of the Savior.

You will have great impact in the lives of people as you help prepare them for the second coming of Our Savior to this earth.

I bless you that you might see the church move forward to meet its eternal destiny and be caught up in the preparations for the Second Coming of our Lord and Savior, that you might rejoice in the plan of our Heavenly Father as it rolls forth.

You shall labor with some of the chosen vessels of the Lord who will help and assist you in every way as you assist in the final gathering of the House of Israel, helping to prepare for the great and coming day of the Lord.

It is truly a marvelous time when the Lord with His everlasting love and understanding is gathering His elect from all corners of the earth and preparing this people for His second coming.

There will be many opportunities for the members of the church will be busy in the last days as they hurriedly prepare for the coming of the Lord.

At this time you are to understand you are from the house of Ephraim, the tribe that has been set apart as the gathering tribe on this earth.

You will have your place in the affairs of the Lord as you share the gospel with others and help to establish Zion in these latter-days.

You have come to the earth when there are many opportunities to serve our Father in Heaven in helping build up His kingdom in preparation for the glorious day when the Saviour will return.

You have been placed here to help prepare the way for the Savior's Second Coming.

Now in the latter days the Tribe of Ephraim is being gathered by the tens of thousands to prepare the world for the second coming of the Savior.

You will be expected to help in the gathering of scattered Israel and to help prepare the way for the Second Coming of the Savior, Jesus Christ.

You were sent here not only to be tested and to gain experiences but also to help prepare people for the second coming of the Savior.

Your Heavenly Father sent you here in this final dispensation of the fullness of times to help prepare them for the Second Advent of His Beloved Son.

Help others to understand the whole purpose of life and the meaning they have for being here upon the earth in this dispensation of the fullness of times when The Gospel is here to strengthen and prepare the earth for the return of the Lord, in goodness and in glory.

You will have a wonderful role in helping to prepare the earth for the return of Jesus Christ.

Ephraim has been called and set apart, to teach and preach the gospel across the face of the earth, in preparation for the return of the Savior. You will be a part of that work.

Through your life's experiences, you will find many rich and rewarding opportunities to serve in the kingdom of God and help prepare the earth for the Second Coming of the Savior.

You have been saved to come forth during this The Last Dispensation, The Dispensation of the Fullness of Times to do a mighty work.

The responsibilities of Ephraim include helping to prepare the world for the second coming of the Savior and to help in the gathering of Israel.

Ephraim was given responsibilities to prepare the earth for the coming of the Savior, and you will fill your role by preaching and teaching the gospel and by keeping all of the Lord's commandments.

You are responsible to help prepare the world for the eventual, glorious return of the Savior.

Preparation is underway for the return of the Master.

In seeking to use your talents for the benefit of the Lord's kingdom you will be helping to prepare this earth for the second coming of your Savior. This is a marvelous privilege that is allowed to very few and the Lord has blessed you with this privilege. It is to you to continue to prepare yourself that you may be worthy of this great blessing. I bless you that you may be diligent in doing so.

Your primary responsibility is to help prepare a righteous people here on this earth that will be ready to receive the Savior when He returns.

You made a commitment to help build Zion and prepare this earth for the Second Coming of the Savior.

You were reserved to come at this time, and you were prepared to participate in the building up of Zion and in the gathering of Israel.

You have been called to make sure that as you labor in the Kingdom of God that you prepare yourself and the kingdom for the Lord's second coming.

You inherit the responsibility to prepare the world in the latter days for the coming of the Messiah.

There is much that needs to happen here upon the earth and you have been sent here now to help prepare for the wonderful things that are to take place. You are to help prepare for the gathering of the tribes of Israel and to prepare for the return of the Savior. Perhaps these events will not take place in your lifetime, but the good that you do now will help prepare for them.

Du gehörst zu dem Volk, das aufgerufen ist, die Menschheit auf das zweite Kommen unseres Herrn und Meisters Jesus Christus vorzubereiten.

You are an heir to all the blessings of the Abrahamic Covenant. One of these is the opportunity to participate in preparing the earth for the second coming of the Savior. Especially at this time, where the complexities and confusions of the world are greater than they've ever been, it is your challenge to introduce and reinforce sanity and spirituality.

Blessing #74
Ephraim was the chosen lineage, not because he was better than anyone else, but because he and his posterity are to wear out their lives in service of others, in preparing the world for the second coming of the Savior.

Blessing #80
You have a responsibility as one of the noble ones, to go with sons and daughters of righteousness, proclaiming the message of light, helping prepare mankind for the second coming of the savior, Jesus Christ.

Blessing #123
You have been given a special blessing to help the Savior in the carrying out of the work to be accomplished in these the last days as preparations are completed for the Savior to return again.